
Sunday, May 29, 2011

The first step is a doozy

The journey of weight loss is long and arduous. It's a journey that I've struggled with for 15 years and one that I'm growing increasingly frustrated about. It wasn't until a few days ago that I realized just how low I had gotten about it.

My buddy, Kat, suggested a book called "Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It". The book essentially talks about why having a carb heavy diet is a huge factor in the obesity epidemic in America. The author supports his case with a ton of scientific evidence and really gave me a lot to think about. He advocates eliminating carbs from our diets for weight loss as well as long term health benefits. This isn't a new concept.

You have probably heard of the Atkins diet, which begins your road to new food choices by eliminating carbs during the "Induction Period". Basically, eliminating all of my favorite foods. Pasta, bread, fruit, nuts, candy, cereal, cake, etc...

And so after reviewing this list of non-approved foods, I cried for about an hour. And then I got angry about getting THAT upset about not eating the foods that are making me so miserable. I couldn't believe that I was seriously crying about not eating bread or potatoes for a while. That was a new low for me. To mourn food.

Tomorrow begins the first day of the rest of my life. A life that has a new light. A life that includes a healthier and THINNER me. Tomorrow I am starting on the Atkins food plan and I'm excited and nervous and a little scared. But most of all, I am hopeful. Finally.

1 comment:

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Good for you! I know it's going to be hard. I know it's hard for me. But I swear that if you stick to it for at least 21 days - you will feel like a whole new person - besides eating better, those cobwebs that stunt your thinking will clear up, too!

I can't wait to hear about your progress...and I am cheering for you!